For as long as people have been enjoying movies, they’ve also been collecting movie themed posters. These brightly coloured, vibrant depictions of favourite characters and scenes are the perfect way to express a love for cinema. For teenagers and younger people, especially, posters are a reflection of identity. Yes, they are decoration, but they’re also more than that.
Your choice of movie posters says a lot about you as an individual. It tells people whether you’re a romantic, a thrillseeker, a horror nut, or a glutton for comedy. So, it makes sense to want to display them in the best way possible. Yet, what happens if you’re an avid collector and you simply don’t have enough wall space for all of your posters?
Well, fortunately, there are several ways to make rotating your movie posters quick and easy.
The Benefits of Quick Framing Systems
Even the keenest collector of movie posters can forget that, no matter how much they love Pulp Fiction, Betty Blue, The Matrix, or The Big Lebowski, there’s only so much wall space to be had. This means that large collections spend most of their time unseen if their owner doesn’t have an efficient system of rotation.
The good news is that there are plenty of quick framing products on the market. These frames are designed to give collectors access without having to take them off the wall first. This makes switching from Alien: Resurrection to Predator or Jurassic Park to King Kong easier than ever before. All you have to do is snap open the side (or the top, in some cases) and slip the new poster inside.
Quick Framing Solutions for the Avid Collector
There are three key types of quick change frame. They are the Swing Frame, the Snap Frame, and the Side Load frame. They all, essentially, work in the same way. The outer casing of the frame is opened or lifted, so that the existing poster can be removed and a new one put in its place. The entire process takes mere seconds, so it’s a great way to make sure that big movie poster collections get a fair amount of use.
The only downside to quick framing systems is that they tend to be of a slightly lower quality than the more permanent solutions. If you want a premium frame, made out of glass and wood, for example, it’s best to invest in a high quality product and rotate posters less often. Most quick change frames are made out of plastic, vinyl, or acrylic. Some do include wood frames, but they cost a little more.
Shopping for the Right Size Frame
The other thing that you need to think about when buying poster frames is size. There is a standard size for branded posters, but not every product will come with these dimensions. For instance, posters printed before 1985 are likely to be 27x41 inches. If they were printed after this time, however, they’ll probably be 27x39 or 27x40 inches.
There are some vintage movie posters that are a lot bigger than this, so do measure them before you spend money on a costly frame. To keep posters in a good condition, they need to be displayed in a frame that fits properly, without crimping or curling the edges. Once again, glass frames can seem like the most stylish option (and they are of a high quality), but they are very fragile and need to be handled with extreme care.